Ok now another one of my opinions on this subject. This time involving church and what I feel is their lack of interest into suicide. I first want to say that I love my church and would not want to change it at all. And I do give my pastor props for talking about depression which is a very good positive sign to say the least. But even with those improvements churches in general have fallen way short of going beyond even talking about depression. Experts say that over 75% of all suicides were committed by people who were first going through depression. So while talking about depression is good it is like building a bridge half or three-quarters across the water and then opening up the bridge for people to drive on. Talking about depression and how to help solve it will get people most of the way to their final destination but it still misses that final destination in the end. They fall short and that is where culture and churches are as well. Maybe suicide is a subject that Christians and churches together think that if they do not talk about it then it will affect them. Maybe it is that churches and pastors together feel that talking about such a powerful issue will not only hurt their attendance but might even cause people to leave their church altogether. And if you lose people in your church you lose their financial support along with it. And for some churches offerings are the main subject they want to talk about and they would hate to lose that money coming into the church. Or maybe it is just pastors in general do not know how to approach this subject. I mean let’s face it suicide as a story or a sermon does not have a happy ending. There is an ending that is for sure but it is an ending that was provided by the individual’s choice and not God’s or the worlds. Suicide doesn’t exist only in the secular world and it just doesn’t avoid the Christian world. Both worlds are affected equally and both worlds will have families that must face the next day and the rest of their lives without that person that they loved so much. But in the end that love one lost hope and gave in to suicide.
So I feel that the church could help so much in changing peoples views on suicide. I feel that churches can really play a major role in lowering the suicide rate even if it is only slightly. Suicide will never cease to exist but it can be lowered through the involvement of the church and their strong support within the communities. The church has played a major role in so many areas throughout the world’s history but where are they on this issue. Why have they been so silent in an arena that needs them the most? Doctors, therapist, and medicines are helping a lot but a strong pastor and a strong church can also add the Christ view into people’s lives. See this is where I am hoping that even one or two churches can take that stance and have a sermon or two on it. Just think about how many of the elderly and teens are thinking about suicide right now. Elderly who have lost their friends, family members, or spouse to death along their live and now see that they are facing the rest of their life alone. And what about that teen that is going through what Hollywood has coined “The teenage drama” but to a teen it is real life and to them there might be only one way out for them. They are not mature enough yet to fully accept being dumped or being rejected or being benched or not being selected for that role in the school play is apart of life. For them their world is over and life is over as well. So suicide becomes an option for them to take.
I love the church and love what they mean to each community out there. I love the fact that the church is not afraid to tackle even the touchiest of issues. I just see that the church is kind of stepping aside on suicide and depression for whatever reason. I know that I believe in prayer and believe that God can heal even the most depressed person out there. And I know one day the church will take on suicide and will tackle it the way that it should be. But for the moment I just feel that this is not being tackled by the church.
For my next blog I will find better stats and will provide better support on my views.