Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Grades For My 2014 Goals

My 2014 Goals Final Grade:

Join DFW Tri Club and start training for my first tri. Might be a small one for 2014 but I would be focusing on 2015 for an bigger tri race for sure. Of course apart of this goal will also involve me to learn how to swim with a bad shoulder and that one other little thing. Finding a bike. 

Grade B-: I did join the DFW Tri Club and I did do 5 sprint tri's and I am a ton better of a swimmer than I was a year ago. But I am far from doing any bigger races this year as I just do not feel comfortable enough with my shoulder to do any long open water swims which would prevent 2015 being that year when I went beyond the sprint tri.

Run at least 2 marathons this year. First of those two is in two months. So after that it would probably be the BCS one in College Station or I will find one before the year is over.

Grade C: I did Cowtown in February and then never saw another marathon.  So only half of this goal was completed and thus a C was given.

Try to get entered into the Marine Corp Marathon. Just luck of the draw for this one. It sells out quickly every year.

Grade F: Because I didn't make it to the marathon.

Get my weight down to 140 again. I gained weight for the marathon but now I need to focus on getting it back to an manageable weight.

Grade F: As I weight myself tonight and I am at 166.  So 26 over goal is not good enough.  I got a long ways to go that is for sure on this one.

Get more involved in my church for men's and single's ministry. I may not be volunteering a lot, if any at all, but I still need to be involved in other ways regardless.

Grade C: I did not get involved in men's or single's group.  I did attend one single's group and my anxiety shot through the roof and that was before they asked everyone to go around asking questions and find people with the same likes as you.  I saw an exit sign and went out it.  But I did do Equip Classes throughout the year and that saved my grade from an F to a C.

Try to learn one thing a week. Could be simple like how to cook salmon on the grill, to how to improve my knowledge in business, to something weird like math formulas. As long as it is new to me.

Grade B: I did learn a lot of triathlon stuff like swimming and biking and I did learn a few other things throughout the year but in the end not as much as I would have liked.

Train my mind to stay focused on my running goals.

Grade B-: For a person who believes he lives like he has ADD I think I did okay.  Nothing great because I did find myself losing focus now and then.  

Get a grip on my General Anxiety and Social Anxiety in my life and to be there for anyone else who might struggle with this as well.

Grade F or D-: Well let's just say that even though I was a fun run director for LGRAW overall I sucked in this category and it is the hardest thing I have to deal with in my life. I failed at getting better as I was in and out so quickly on some events that I heard was that Flash because all they saw was me in and back out quickly. Example is I went to two Christmas parties on the same day and stayed at one for about five minutes and then stayed at the other for about an hour.  Yes I am that guy.

Get closer to God.

Grade C-: Okay I will always feel I need to get closer to God and I will never be satisfied with how I am doing it as well.

And finally to find a person or two in my life that would think that these goals are beyond my reach. I have one already in my life but if I can add another person or two that would only motivate me all the more to prove them wrong.

Grade C: I really did not pay attention to the haters in my life even it came to this goal so I didn't look for people who doubted me.

2014 is all about going beyond what I have ever done before in my life. To prove to myself that I can do the impossible. And heck if I can prove others wrong along the way more the merrier for me.

Overall Grade C+: I achieve more than I thought I ever could when it came to triathlons and I still found a great church and took part in it, not as much as I would like, and overall I saw some growth in what I did.  I know I can do better but goals are meant to exceed your expectations and I believe I did that in the end.