Welcome to my blog. I will be taking it easy to start with but hope to make this a regular event once I get going. I will be talking about everything that comes to my mind and will be speaking it through my eyes (or the truth according to me). I will not apologize for this being my point of view since this is my blog. I will try to look at everything from both sides of the story which most people will refuse to do. I feel that the only way to get a point across to people is to try to see every point of view while in the end giving only your take as the final point of view.
I will cover first an issue that is very important to me and one that most people, churches, and communities try to push under the rug and that is suicide. This issue is greatly misunderstood and to be honest not considered an issue important enough for people to talk about until it happens to someone they either love or know. And that to me is just the wrong way to look at things. Lets be honest here. There is more talk about who should be drafted first in a fantasy draft, which cartoon character is more powerful than the others, which actor you would rather date (as if you really had a chance with that conversation anyway), and other things that mean zero to your real life than what is being said about suicide prevention. Sad to say the least. And I will try to put a stop to that and start the talking about suicide instead.
I will then move on to other things like depression, church and depression, and of course other things like: Politics, Join Red, One.org, and many other causes that I strongly believe in and support.
I hope you like my future blogs and more importantly I hope you take part in them by speaking out your point of view. Unlike a liberal I do actually want counter-point of views. That is truly what a discussion is all about. Or at least in my point of view it is.
Please visit The Out of Darkness Overnight Walk website to get a view of what my first blog will be about.
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