Monday, February 17, 2014

Respecting Rinny more than ever

Sunday I got the great opportunity to ride 26 miles with my bike.  The longest ride yet and with that ride it really built my confidence in my bike even more.  I still need to find a way to get my butt use to riding longer milage.  I am only going to go further and further not shorter and shorter.  So my butt will either have to get use to the seat or I will need to learn how to ride without sitting down as much.  Either way the distance will win out.  My butt can recover in the car when I am driving home.  Things I noticed while riding.  My legs are getting stronger.  While I noticed my legs wore out during the first 13 miles I saw them getting stronger for the 2nd part of the ride.  Still along the way I noticed that certain parts of Trinity Trails had me saying oh crap I hope my brakes work.  There is a certain part of the trail that is steep with a couple of shape turns along with the fact that if you miss the turn you will be missing the rest of your birthdays too.

And then I really started to respect people like Rinny, Heather Jackson and Katya Meyers.  These people go from swimming to riding to finally the run.  I took a two hour nap between my ride and my run AND STILL the run felt like my legs were rubber.  And to top that off I only ran 6 miles not 26 miles.  I always knew how great Rinny was but watching her in Kona 2013 was amazing to see her make up almost 8 minutes in time for the final 26 miles of the run and then add to that lead of hers.  Because after my two hour nap the run just felt like I was running in slow motion but really slow motion at that.  I couldn't even imagine running 26 miles and wait.  I only biked 26 miles not 112 miles that they all do.  So yes I am no where near my goal for 2015 but I reached half of the distances in biking and running on Sunday or close to it.  My goal for 2015 is a 70.3 Ironman.  I will need to bike 56 miles so 26 is not half way there but I am confident that 56 will be no trouble for me.  Heck I am at 26 miles and I have only taken my bike out for two days prior to this one.  So I am getting there and should be to that mileage by the end of the summer.  I have run many a half marathon so that distance is easy for me.  Heck I even ran a couple half's without even training due to work and volunteering at church and still did pretty decent.  So I am good there for sure.

BUT having to do them both back to back without my two hour nap along with only a 1.4 mile swim well that is a totally different story.  And that is where I see my goals.  I got all year to learn how to swim that distance.  I still need to one major fear that I have and that would be the open water swim.  If I have to stop in the pool I can just stand up and walk back to any location in the pool but if I stop in the open water I am not standing up unless I am drowning at the bottom of the lake.  Because as we all know the longer and further you swim the deeper the water gets and the longer my legs will need to be if I want to stop and walk to the side.

While I am extremely excited about the Cowtown I am even more excited about the tri-season.  Not sure how many races I will do during my first season as I will use this season to learn every aspect that is associated with this sport.  But I will get into more than just one race and I will learn everything from the swim and the bike to the transition that is needed to get from swim to bike and bike to run.  I will learn how to make it better and I will do what I always do and that is that I will also learn how to adapt those transitions into how it makes more sense to me and from there make it even better.

Can't wait for St. Patrick's Day.  Not because I love to drink Irish beers although really they are  good. But that is the day that I will have accomplished one of my goals and it will be the first step into a bigger and greater goal.

Some people say they have reached their goals but they never really do.  Because people will always set a goal high and then slightly set the goal that they want to reach to feel about themselves lower than that goal.  People will always do this because people do not want to fail so they will always cut their goals off to make it more attainable.  So I more that March 16th is one of those situations for me.  Yes it is part of my goal but in the overall scheme of it all it is just short of my overall goal because what my overall goal is and will always be is the 70.3 in 2015.

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