After the ride I got a protein shake, water and went to start my run. One thing I have learned is that Colleen, Sakina, Nick and a couple of others were ol so right on this next thing. The transition is so important and so hard.
So I get my protein shake, change into my running gear and parked by the lake. Started my run and was so sore. But that ended up being the best part of the run. About only a 1/2 mile into the run my stomach didn't feel too good. I was kind of having that feel of if I go any further expect somethings to start exiting the body and quickly too. I really was not feeling good at all. This was the first time I have ever done the transition so I expected some issues but never thought it would come basically within eye sight of my car. So disappointing to me to get sick or have the feeling of getting sick. I mean I never got sick in training for my two marathons and I hear all the time of people who would throw up and then continue running but I never got to that point in any of my running days including the marathon training and actual marathons at time. And for the Cowtown I did see a poor girl doing exactly that in the middle of the race. But I have been a beast at avoiding that. BUT not today. Granted 30 miles is almost twice as far as I will actually have to ride in my first two sprint races so maybe tomorrow I will keep my biking at 20 miles or a little less and try the running after that as that would be more the actual race distance for the cycling part of it.
Tomorrow I am first hoping the weather improves as where in the heck did this cold weather come from. I do not follow the weather but wow this was not something I expected.
Were are now down to the final few days until the sprint race. Excited but still so much to do before next Sunday. Still got to practice my swimming without the snorkel more as my goal is to go into the race without using it. I would not be disappointed if I did use it but I would not be completely satisfied either if I had to use it.
Countdown to St Pats Tri Sprint is officially starting tomorrow when it would become T-seven days till my first and not the last tri event. And my days as only being a runner will officially be over because after that race I can finally call myself a triathlete with goals of doing more and hitting the 70.3 in 2015. And I can also tell the people who said I couldn't do it or shouldn't do it where to stick their opinions about me and my goals, beliefs and activities going beyond running.
As Phil Dunphy would say "Bring It"
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