Well it is almost May and that means that 4 months of the year is almost over as well. So let's review my goals going into the year.
Goal #1 was to join DFW Tri Club, do a tri, learn to swim and bike and just overall improve my abilities. - So far this goal is a success. I have done two sprint tris, my swimming is improving although still a ways off for the open water swim, I am training on Saturday's with the open water swim as well, I am finally getting confident with the bike and with that I am also seeing myself getting stronger and stronger with it. Second part of this goal is now on hold. That was to do a 70.3 in 2015. I am not saying that I am not going to do it but I am saying that my confidence in the open water is shaky at best so let's work on that first before I sign up for one. No need to put any extra pressure on myself just yet.
Goal #2 was to run 2 marathons this year. So far this is a success as well. I did my first in The Cowtown and plan to end the year doing either the BCS Marathon again in College Station or do the White Rock Marathon as both are on the same weekend I can only choose one but I will get my second marathon for sure then if not before.
Goal #3 was try to get into the Marine Corp Marathon. This one is a fail as the registration was the same day as The Cowtown Marathon I just couldn't be in two places at the same time. But this is not a goal that I was putting a lot of hope on anyway due to it being truly based on luck when you register.
Goal #4 was to get my weight down to 140. Yeah that was and is a huge failure as right now my body is stuck on 163 to 165 and I haven't been able to move from those numbers all year so far no matter how much I train, sweat or limit my eating at times.
Goal #5 was to get more involved in Gateway. This is a 50/50 success and failure. Yes I got more involved in things like Equip Class but I have not gotten involved yet in the singles ministry. So a mix result here.
Goal #6 was to learn something new once a week. Again a 50/50 success and failure. I am learning new things for my triathlon training, hazmat training for work and even learned how to cook salmon but all of that started probably back in February so it started slow and really hasn't been consistent yet.
Goal #7 was to keep my mind focused on my training goals. That has been a success. My training is strong and continues to be strong as well.
Goal #8 was to get a grip on my anxiety in all areas. 50/50 here. My General Anxiety is getting better but it still effects me at times. My Social Anxiety is still pretty strong and while I am trying to get more involved with groups of people I still find myself preferring small groups or no groups at all. But still working on getting control over both of these so hope is still on the horizon.
Goal #9 was to get closer to God. I will never feel I can get as close to God as I should be. But I feel that ever since I started attending Gateway Church I am finding myself getting more and more into wanting to get closer to God and find myself so excited for every Equip Class or weekend service so if nothing else I am finding myself getting more and more excited about wanting to get closer to God.
Goal #10 was to find a couple of people who think I am a complete bullshitter and that these goals of mine are worthless due to them not believing that I could achieve any of these even if they fell from the sky and hit me. I still got one person in my life that fills this role but dang it I just cannot find the other person. Why must people like me so much. It turns out that finding that other person or two is harder than I thought it would be. So this is a failure at the moment.
My theme for the year was "Going beyond what I have ever done before in my life. To prove to myself that I can do the impossible." And that is a success because I am doing things that even last year I never thought I would or could do. The impossible is quickly being the possible. So I need to start finding more impossibles for my life. Skydiving anyone.
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