Sunday, November 20, 2016

Confident Builder

I went into Saturday's run with a lot of doubt.  Had a bad week of running and then to head into a 21 mile run seemed impossible for me.  I actually woke up feeling good for a long run but still wondered if I had it in me.  21 is still a long distance for someone who didn't have a solid week behind him.

We started the run a little fast for me.  But after the 2 mile break I got into my running pace for the rest of the run.  The weather was perfect and I was over dressed to say the least.  Never believe the weather app for your temperature I have learned yet again.  But I still wore what I will be wearing for my December 11th marathon unless it is still warm by them.  But this guy is hoping for a nice 30s temperature throughout the race.

I loved both of my running coaches that I ran with yesterday.  Both were great and neither allowed me to really walk during my run.  I did feel that Kim was a better pacer with me though.  She and I ran about 12 or so miles before we ran into Nick and them.  We switched coaches and I spent the rest of the run with Stacy.  She is great as well.  Talks a little more with me which is good unless you are cold and your jaw doesn't seem to work and you cannot talk due to it being cold.  She had me pacing slightly faster.  And at the end of the run I felt very good.  Not good enough to run again granted but felt good and without too many pains and aches.  The run lasted for a little more than 4 hours.  Yes I get my money's worth when I run long distances.  And to think I actually really hate running long distances.  But I do it because that final mile and finishing is just such a rush.

Finally we start tapering so I have that to look forward to until my actual race.

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