Sunday, January 5, 2014

Pushing Myself Harder Than I Ever Have Before

To start the year off I needed to review my past year along with taking into account what I would like to accomplish this year.  I needed to see what areas I would like to build upon and which areas I needed to either improve or get rid of from my life.  Like my running for example.  I know I can do a lot of distances between 1 and 13.1 miles.  I completed my first marathon and even though it wasn't great it did at least show me that I can go beyond what limitations I may have put upon myself before I started the year 2013 much less how I would like to improve on my running going into 2014.  Then there are areas like social anxiety, general anxiety and my depression that I would like to not only see improvement on for the coming year but I would love to see all of these things to exit my life once and for all.  So with that in mind I decided back in November to take a deeper look into where I wanted to go in the coming year.  Not one of these let's make a quick decision on New Year's Eve at 11:58 with only two minutes to go to make up something that I wanted to improve but never put any thought into.  This year I took this step very seriously and with great thought.

So here is what I would like to improve on, add to my life or change about my life going into the current year.

Join DFW Tri Club and start training for my first tri. Might be a small one for 2014 but I would be focusing on 2015 for an bigger tri race for sure. Of course apart of this goal will also involve me to learn how to swim with a bad shoulder and that one other little thing. Finding a bike.

Run at least 2 marathons this year. First of those two is in two months. So after that it would probably be the BCS one in College Station or I will find one before the year is over.

Try to get entered into the Marine Corp Marathon. Just luck of the draw for this one. It sells out quickly every year.

Get my weight down to 140 again. I gained weight for the marathon but now I need to focus on getting it back to an manageable weight.

Get more involved in my church for men's and single's ministry. I may not be volunteering a lot, if any at all, but I still need to be involved in other ways regardless.

Try to learn one thing a week. Could be simple like how to cook salmon on the grill, to how to improve my knowledge in business, to something weird like math formulas. As long as it is new to me.

Train my mind to stay focused on my running goals.

Get a grip on my General Anxiety and Social Anxiety in my life and to be there for anyone else who might struggle with this as well.

Get closer to God.

And finally to find a person or two in my life that would think that these goals are beyond my reach. I have one already in my life but if I can add another person or two that would only motivate me all the more to prove them wrong.

2014 is all about going beyond what I have ever done before in my life. To prove to myself that I can do the impossible. And heck if I can prove others wrong along the way more the merrier for me.

These are my goals for this year.  

In two days I will reach one of the happiest days of my life even if that happiness was short lived.  That would be the day that Diane said yes to me when I asked her out.  Even if I knew one year ago that Diane would want me out of her life in only two short months I believe I would still have asked her out last year.  Even with knowing the pain that I felt once it was over.  I am just not as good with handling this as women are.  Women I believe can just break it off and then continue on with their life like nothing happened.  Or they will treat the relationship as a business transaction.  Once it doesn't benefit them then the merger is over.  I am working on building myself to be able to handle things like this for sure.  But still come Tuesday I will be thinking of that day just for a few moments because it was special.  And after all it is not like you get to be with a perfect person, in my mind she was totally perfect, for any length of time.

But again this year is the first year I have ever added an slogan to my year.  But this year a slogan has been established.

"This is the year that I will push myself harder than I have ever pushed myself before."

Let the year start and let the training begin.  Because this year I am taking seriously my training in swimming and biking.  I am actually looking forward to training for the swimming.  Ironic that after all these years of living usually about 100 yards or less to an pool that I just never went and now I am excited about swimming in these things called pools.

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