Friday, March 11, 2016

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Thanks to Coach Lyndsi I got a good lesson in today.  The good is that I am improving and I didn't cramp until late into the session.  She puts me through a lot of work but if I can survive her hour long session my "6 minute" 300 meter swim should be a cake walk.  And cake does sound good right now.  Oh dang it trying to cut out those kind of foods while I am training.

The bad is that well my cramps did come back and have been an issue all week for me.  So I will be taking the race tomorrow lightly.  Just run, don't do anything stupid, drink beer and prepare for Sunday.  So hopefully this can become an former issue going into the coming weeks.  And I am starting to eat multiple bananas a day to help fight this.  And who doesn't love bananas.

The ugly is well seeing me in a swim suit.  Which for Sunday will not be an issue for the people attending the event.  Luckily for them that is.  Man I need to trade in my 12 pack abs in for something of a smaller size like a 4 pack abs.  Then I would be like look at this body bitches.  Or at least I would say that in my mind.

Well short but blame it on Lyndsi.  After an hour with her training I am lucky to still be standing and awake.  Those lessons can wear a kid out.  And I haven't been a kid in a long time.

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