Tuesday, January 14, 2014

When do I breath

Tonight I was trying yet again to breath as I swim.  While I am getting better with the snorkel I am literally like a fish out of water without it.  I mean it looks like I have no clue which direction to turn my head as I am moving my arms to get air.  Then it will also appear that I am turning my head both directions because apparently I seem to think that I shouldn't be force to only get air from one side of my body over the other.  So I am in need of some serious training.  I am probably going to get with Coach Lyndsi and get her to help me some more.  I am seriously taking the serious about getting better with the swim.  Now I wish I would have liked swimming when I was young so this wouldn't be an issue now.  But that is in the past and the present is the only thing I can control and fix.  So today is the day for me to learn to love swimming no matter what lies ahead of me.

My Cowtown Marathon will be interesting.  Since I decided to start focusing on my tri events I have allowed myself to get a little over extended on my activities.  I am still focusing on the Cowtown but I am in no way putting myself under any pressure.  I want to see if I can run two marathons with a two or three month period of time.  This will help me to decide where I stand with my running.  Can I keep myself motivated for such long distances over long periods of time.  Because if I am going to focus on a 2015 70.3 Ironman I need to know I can do it.  So I will do my best to get through it but I will be more interested in how I feel both during the event and after.  This will be a huge test for me.  I need to improve my mental approach to my running.  I need to also start my mental toughness for not only the run now but to push that into my swimming and biking as well.  I cannot be a Ironman if I still live with a 10k mentality.  I will get nowhere with that approach.

Tomorrow I am running in the morning and maybe just maybe a swim in the evening.

"Pushing Myself Harder Than I Have Ever Push Myself Before"

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